Index of themes, including many of religious and spiritual concern. The overall organization is unclear: topics are presented in 3 different sets of layered alphabetical listings (begins AC, ACE, ACG, AD, ADE, etc.) with some entries marked with numbers and symbols. Possibly used in the process of commonplacing, or as a concordance. Also, notes on wages, dated March 9, 1740 and March 16, 1740 (on front turn-in); notes on work dated for the week of August 27, 1744 (leaf 1r); drafts of letters signed T.M., one dated July 16, 1745 (leaf 11); measurements for Kit Lambert's house, stable, barn, and land (leaves 166v-167). Consists of two Protestant discourses: "The first establishm[en]t of new Discipline by Mr. Calvin in [th]e Church of Geneva" (leaves 1-3v) and "Of ord[e]rs, Rites, & Ceremonies of [th]e C. of Engl[and]" (leaves 4-19v). The second of these discourses consists of sections entitled "Of [th]e Rites &c of our Church" (leaves 11v-12r), "Concerning Places of Publick Worship" (leaves 12r-12v), "Solemnity of erecting Churches; & their Dedication" (leaves 12v- 13v), "Of [th]e Names whereby we distinguish our Churches" (leaves 13v-14r), "Of [th]e Fashion of our Churches" (leaf 14r), "Of [th]e Sumptuousness of our Churches" (leaves 14r-14v), "Holyness & vertue ascrib'd to [th]e Church, more [tha]n to another Place" (leaf 14v), Their? Pretense [tha]t wou'd have Churches utterly raz'd (leaves 14v-15r), "Of Publick Teaching, or Preaching, & [th]e Sh. kind thereof Catechising" (leaves 15r-15v), "Concerning Preaching, by reading publickly [th]e H. Scriptures; and [th]e Choice we make in reading" (leaf 15v), "Concerning Books Apocryphall" (leaves 15v-17r), "Of Preaching by reading publickly [th]e Scripture or by Sermons of our own composing" (leaves 17r-17v), "Of Prayer publicly" (leaf 17v), "Of [th]e form of Common Pray[e]r" (leaves 17v-18r), "Of allowing a Set Form of Pray[e]r, yet allow not ours" (leaves 18r-18v). More measurements of Kit Lambert's house on pastedown.